About the Developers....
Aldo and Niki Sardot
We'd like to keep this page short and sweet but you'd just be asking us lots of questions!
We've been a team for fifty-one years now. Yes, just had our (51st) anniversary. We started out building and designing really custom homes (some 4 stories high) in the Virginia Beach area for 24 years before moving to Montana in 1994.
After winning a historic preservation award in the Missoula historic University area, we built a huge bed and breakfast on a blue ribbon trout stream and cooked and cleaned for several years until it was't fun any more!
I haven't cooked for quite a few years now.
Our next adventure was this beautiful square mile of Bitterroot Valley. Year one was spent fencing and laying out the roadways and doing engineering for the tracts.
The name came easily as this valley was home to natives. "Red Quill" was derived from porcupine quillwork that was dyed and fashioned on to breastplates and many other parts of clothing by Indians. Part Cherokee and obsessed with native arts my whole life, I have painted many western murals , etc. I'm an artist who studied at Cleveland Art Institute, taught art Kindergarten through High School, have had my own "Paint 'n Sip" wine and art class business, graphics, painted and created many 8 ft x 12 ft antique Indian Rug replicas on tile, fired in huge kilns, scenic murals, worked in 17 theater plays, several movie sets, draw up my own floor plans, you name it!
Aldo, an old world craftsman, is into d e t a i l s. He hails from near Venice, Italy. His cooking is as good as his building abilities! He layed out these tracts of land as Leonardo Da Vinci would have; went to the Party Store in Missoula, got hydrogen balloons with l o n g s t r i n g and didn't tell me why. ...had me go on the other side of each hill and raise the balloons in certain spots where the end of a corner of the tract would be. Of course, each tract has been surveyed by an engineer, but it is crazy how exact he was! Aldo - also does drafting of floorplans.
So when we began buying and gutting homes back in 1969, we could do our own designs, drawings, framing, plumbing, brick, heating, roofing, kitchen installation, stair building, everything.
Our family lives here. We have two girls, grown.
Two granddaughters, and now a great-grandchild.